
  • yr 2007 feb 07 / sep 07

    Contractor:Seasquad England

    Beneficiary:Government of Venezuela

    Project:FPSO Upgrading

    No. workers:85

    Project value: 830.000 usd

  • yr 2007 aug 07 / mar 08

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Project:Upgrading Drilling Rig Jupiter

    No. workers:115

    Project value: 1.485.000 euro

  • yr 2008 apr 08 / sep 09

    Contractor:Linde AG Munchen

    Beneficiary:OMV – Petrom SA.

    Project:Construction of gas refinery plant

    No. workers:145

    Project value: Valoare Lucrare: 4.535.000 euro + VAT

  • yr 2009 jan 09 / apr 09

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Project:Heliport construction for Prometeu drilling rig

    No. workers:42

    Project value: 325.000 euro

  • yr 2009 feb 09 / jun 09

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Project: Upgrading of Saturn drilling rig

    No. workers:68

    Project value: 1.115.000 euro

  • yr 2009 jun 09 / sep 10

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Turkish Petroleum Corporation

    Project:Fabrication, construction and positioning on site of JACKET (gas exploitation offshore drilling platform)

    No. workers:135

    Project value: 6.500.00 usd + VAT ;

  • yr 2009 nov 2009 / mar 2010

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA

    Project:Assembly of crane of 500 tons – NOV USA producer – on barge GSP Bigfoot 1

    No. workers:28

    Project value: 500.000 usd + VAT ;

  • yr 2010 sep 2010 / nov 2010

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere SA

    Project:upgrading of drilling installation GSP 31

    No. workers:15

    Project value: 300.000 usd + VAT

  • yr 2010 sep 2010 / nov 2015

    Contractor:SC. Apolodor Cominpex SRL. Bucuresti

    Beneficiary:Constanta Maritime Port Administration

    Project:Fabrication and assembly of metallic deck – road bridge over Danube Channel / Black Sea in Constanta Port Sud Agigea

    No. workers:122

    Project value: 5.098.000 euro + VAT

  • an 2012 sep 2012 / nov 2012

    Contractor:SC Constanta South Container Terminal SA

    Beneficiary:SC Constanta South Container Terminal SA

    Project:Metal platphorm truck loading

    No. workers:25

    Project value:150.000 euro + VAT

  • an 2012 sep 2012 / februarie 2013

    Contractor:GSP Shipyard SA Constanta

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.

    Project:Upgrading Drilling Rig Uranus - foot support

    No. workers:40

    Project value:650.000 euro + VAT

  • an 2014 ian 2014 / mai 2014

    Contractor:SC Schenker Romtrans S.A.

    Beneficiary:SC Schenker Romtrans S.A.

    Project:Production of industrial tent 2.000 square meters

    No. workers:22

    Project value:116.000 euro + VAT

  • an 2014 august 2014 - octombrie 2014

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.

    Project:Metal structure fabrication for Outrigger and assembly on Bigfoot 1

    No. workers:40

    Project value: 136.000 Euro + VAT

  • an 2014 septembrie 2014 - ianuarie 2015

    Contractor:Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.

    Beneficiary:Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.

    Project:Metal structure fabrication for Stinger and assembly on Bigfoot 1

    No. workers:40

    Project value: 290.000 Euro + VAT

  • an 2015 ianuarie 2015 - prezent

    Contractor:Daewoo - Mangalia Heavy Industries

    Beneficiary:Daewoo - Mangalia Heavy Industries

    Project:confectii tubulatura si lacatuserie nave constructii noi

    No. workers:100

    Project value: 840.000 Euro + VAT – Work in progress.

SC. Tigitrans SA. had three completed Projects in the Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, European Social Fund, Priority Axis 2, as follows:

  • Project CAP COMPAS – Contract no. POSDRU/76/2.3/A/42426 -01.07.2010

    duration:18 months

    Total Value: 6.051.162 lei

  • Project PERISCOP – Contract no. POSDRU/77/3.2/A/56709 – 01.10.2010

    duration:8 months

    Total Value: 612.838 lei

  • Project INVESTITII PENTRU UN VIITOR SANATOS (investments for a healthy environment) – Contract no. POSDRU/78/3.2/A/45812

    duration:8 months

    Total Value: 437.678,20 lei